Christian E. Buckingham

About me

I am a physical oceanographer with expertise in mesoscale and submesoscale dynamics. Through an interesting synthesis of observations, models, and theory, my work aims to better understand dynamics related to upper ocean fronts. My longer-term aim is an improved understanding of the oceans through use of submesoscale-resolving satellite measurements expected to come online in the next two decades.


My background is in physics and engineering. Although my interests in the oceans began at a young age, it wasn’t until a chance research experience at sea that I became interested in better understanding the oceans. As a result of this at-sea “expedition,” I enrolled in a graduate program at the Graduate School of Oceanography, eventually obtaining a doctorate degree in physical oceanography. Below is a brief summary of my curriculum vitae (CV):


Employment at several institutions:

Fellowships or honours that I’ve been awarded include:
